Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sick Todler

As anyone out there with kids knows the moment one of them gets sick the days become endless and you both want to comfort them and leave them in a puddle of their own goo in the crib. (they self clean right? Like kittens?). My 1 year old is currently sick and I find myself in this space. I want to take her and snuggle her forever until she feels better and stops leaking mucus. At the EXACT same time i'm grossed out by the sheer amount of good that seems to be getting all over the place. (OMG WHY IS EVERYTHING WET!?).

I'm thankful for my mother and her ability to find wet wipes for the baby's nose. It makes things easier in that monkey is far less likely to run screaming from me when I try and wipe her nose. I only hope that whatever is in them is non toxic, cause as of yet I have been unable to get her to stop eating them. My bright side is the hope that it doesn't make her as constipated as the paper and the tissue she keeps eating.

As a side note: For a general disclaimer because I know how people can get, I do not allow my child to eat tissues or paper, and I do not leave her alone in her own goo hoping she's a kitten. She does occasionally eat paper, but I mean that's only after I've chased her around the house to get it from her and she's managed to stuff it down her throat before I can get to it. I can't get everything.

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